Privacy Policy

Who are whe?

We are Max P. Design with address Kumtcishtraat 53, 3300 Tienen Belgium with company number BE 0688.883.508.

We value your privacy and whenever we process your personal data we do so in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR (General Data ProtectionRegulation) and national laws dealing with the processing of personal data.

Privacy laws require us to make the information we communicate in this privacy statement accessible to you. This privacy statement clarifies what measures we take to protect your privacy when you use our services or products and what rights you have.

When we process your personal data, we are in most cases the "data controller". This means that we determine the purpose and means of processing.

By purchasing our services and/or products, you agree that we may collect and process some personal data about you in accordance with the purpose described in our privacy statement. We invite you to read this statement carefully. Emelie Vervecken is our privacy coordinator who can be reached at with any questions you may have or to exercise your rights. It is possible that this statement will be modified in the future. We therefore ask you to read the privacy statement on a regular basis.

Processing your personal data

Personal data or personal data means all information about an individual that can allow to identify that person. This does not include data where identity has been removed (anonymous data). We try to collect as little personal data as possible to achieve our goals.

We comply with data protection laws that require that the personal data we process about you:

  • Are collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you.
  • Are used in a lawful, fair and transparent manner and thus are used in a manner that is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
  • Accurate and updated as necessary, not kept longer than necessary for the purposes we told you about, and handled securely.

We may request certain information from you to enable you to purchase or use our goods or services. If we obtain your personal information by other means, we will indicate that in this privacy statement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our privacy coordinator.

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