Web Hosting
We want to take all the technical pressure off you so that you can concentrate on more important aspects of your business and use your time more efficiently.
We have partnerships with leading Belgian, European and US hosting providers, offering great services at the right price. This means we can offer different solutions to different sizes of businesses.
Server setup perfect for your project
It's so important to setup a server thats fit for purpose and has all the capabilities your CMS / Website needs. It needs to be secure, scalable and robust enough to allow your website to grow in the future. It's not just a case of picking the right size of server, we are able to deal with the setup, CMS integration, testing and launch. Taking all the pressure off you as a business.
Frequently asked questions
Your website is comprised of lots of files (code, images, etc... all that fun stuff) so a web hosting provider is needed to stores these files available for viewing online. Essentially, allocating space on a web server to store your site!
I have partnerships with leading BE and US hosting providers, offering great services at the right price. This means I can offer different solutions to different sizes of businesses, taking the pressure off you so that you can concentrate on more important aspects of your business and use your time more efficiently.
Unfortunately, I don't have set Web Hosting prices. Every brief we work on has different requirements that alter the spec of the job. So, once I have got more information on your specific requirements, I can give you a more accurate cost.
Go ahead, once you’ve purchased your domain, send me the details and we can get started. If you want, I can also handle the purchase and managing of your domain name, if you don't feel comfortable managing it yourself.